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Our Forest School

Forest School is an inspirational nature-based opportunity, that allows all children to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland. Wellbeing is the foundation of Forest School practice and we recognise the social, emotional and physical needs of the children. Creating learner inspired experiences based on exploration and discovery allows us to mentor holistic growth. We nurture collaboration and embrace challenge so that we can encourage and support the blossoming of character, resilience and empathy.

Managed and responsible risk taking and challenges are encouraged to promote confidence, coupled with the development of trusting relationships with an emphasis on partnerships in learning not teaching. Forest School builds on a child’s innate motivation and positive attitude to learning, offering them the opportunities to take managed risks, make choices and initiate hands on learning for themselves. For many children, outdoors is their preferred environment. The physical activity and development uses of all their senses and can stimulate the brain and intellect. Forest School fosters independence – more opportunities to play, learn and develop away from a prescribed and adult led curriculum, it compensates for the modern restrictions that children may suffer and enhances their childhood experiences, enabling our children to be healthy and achieve wellbeing.

Great plans are underway to develop our fire site in the corner of the playing field. We intend to facilitate the use of a parachute as an open air learning area and create more opportunities for play.