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Birch (SRP)


Key Stage 1

Term 1

English: The children will be following the 'Nursery Narrative' programme from Black Sheep Press. This programme is centred on developing children's skills within literacy, including listening skills and language ability. Sessions include sharing stories, role-play, singing and puppets alongside Language Through Colour to support children's understanding. Children will also have frequent opportunities to continue developing their letter formation and writing skills. 

Maths:  In Term 1, we will follow the White Rose scheme of learning to continue building on children's mathematical understanding. This will focus on place value to 20, thinking about the composition of different numbers before moving onto addition and subtraction. 

Key Stage 2

Term 1

English: This term, we will be using the book 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne as a key text for our learning. The children will continue to develop their literacy skills such as composing sentences and a narrative through retelling the story and key events. We will also be using the text to inspire some non-fiction work on Gorillas. The children will research Gorillas, thinking about different elements of Language Through Colour to do so e.g. 'where', 'what like', 'what doing'. Throughout the term we will be using our Star Word webs to introduce and explore new vocabulary. 

Maths: In Term 1, we will continue to follow the White Rose scheme of learning to build on the children's mathematical understanding. The first unit will look at the place value of numbers to 100. This will allow children to revisit their learning from the end of last year whilst building on their knowledge of the composition of two digit numbers.

We continue to have daily Phonics sessions which are tailored to meet each child's targets.

The children continue to have Speech and Language Therapy delivered by Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins.

Home Learning Opportunities

Please continue to support your children's learning at home by reading regularly. 

Other useful websites to support your child's learning include:

Please also explore our SRP page with further information about the interventions that your child may be involved in.

Please continue to check our class blog as we enjoy sharing our learning with you.