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Celebration & Rewards

At The John Wesley CEM Primary School, one of our priorities is to make sure we both recognise and celebrate our children’s successes. We actively encourage both children and adults to participate in activities which identify and highlight achievements, both big and small – even those achieved beyond the school gates.

Whole School House Point Rewards System

  • Each child has a stamp card which holds 20 slots for House points
  • Stamp cards are labelled with the house the child is in and their name
  • Staff will sign the children’s card every time they get a house point
  • Once a stamp card is completed, children will take it to the DHT/HT office.  Miss Harrington or Mrs Clark will record & create an individual certificate for the child and give them a token to put in the whole school house jar
  • The children will then receive the next house point card (different colour)
  • On a weekly basis, House Captains count tokens in the totaliser jars. Houses with the most points each term will be having a special house activity

Only 1 hp will be given out at a time.  House Points are awarded for:

  • Outstanding effort and achievement with their work in school, or at home
  • Outstanding acts of kindness or politeness
  • Outstanding role-modelling and behaviour at all times or a sudden and commendable change to behaviour. (e.g. A piece of work that shows excellent effort or attainment / constant and notable polite / one-off acts of dedication / one-off acts of kindness and thoughtfulness / changes to behaviour and attitudes that require a special mention)

Headteacher’s Award

Any day, a child can be sent down to see Miss Harrington or Mrs Clark to be awarded a Headteacher's Award, recognising something special that has been achieved. This could be related to their learning, behaviour or attitude to the school community. They are sent down to share their learning or talk about the special achievement. A text is also sent home to celebrate this amazing success with their families.

Celebration Worship Awards

Every Friday morning, we hold a Celebration Worship. Each class chooses a child as ‘Star of the Week’ and shares the reason with the whole school. Each class also chooses a child to achieve the ‘Buddy Award’ and shares the reason with the whole school. This award can be nominated or chosen.

Each week, several children in every class are awarded Certificates of Achievement by their teachers. They may be awarded for excellent work, solving a problem, being brave, good behaviour, an achievement, demonstrating good leadership skills…. anything is possible.

Sometimes certificates are awarded to groups of children or whole classes! Children are encouraged to take these certificates home to share them with their families and display them proudly.

Walk to School Wednesday

This scheme is aimed at encouraging children to walk to school or park and stride. Walk on Wednesday is a scheme involving children that are able to walk to school on a Wednesday and the winning class will also be awarded with a trophy.

The aim of this initiative is to encourage children to walk in to school on Wednesdays. The scheme has been provided originally by KM Charity forum and is known as Walk on Wednesday (WoW).

We understand that is may not always be possible to walk to school due to living arrangements. However, we would appreciate the support of as many as possible in walking to school just once a week. Walking on Wednesday can include 'Parking and Striding' which involves parking away from the school site and walking the final leg of the journey into school. This should be approximately a 5 minute walk. Not only will it hopefully reduce the number of cars entering the car park and parking around the school, it will also help energise children and preparing them for the school day.

Each week at the Friday Celebration Worship a class will be given recognition for their participation in WoW (Walk on Wednesday) and the winning class receives a trophy for the week.