Church of England Support
The John Wesley Church of England and Methodist Primary School is one of 6 Church of England Schools in the Parish of Ashford and is particularly linked to the churches in Great Chart, Singleton and South Ashford.
Our local priest is Reverend Cathie Aldis-Saunders who is also a governor at The John Wesley CEM Primary School and often leads Collective Worship on a Thursday morning as well as coming into school to talk to the children.
At St Mary's Church in Great Chart and St Francis Church in South Ashford, they welcome everyone to come and join them for worship.
They hold services on every Sunday morning 10am at Great Chart and on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday 12pm at St Francis.
They have a desire to serve our local community and they run a number of activities in partnership with the local Christian charity Uprising. These include Make Lunch and a new Community Café Frankie's which runs every Wednesday from 2-4pm at St Francis.
Both churches welcome enquiries about baptism, weddings and funerals. For more information please follow the weblink for contact details.
Great Chart and St Francis Church
Singleton Community Church are a lively, contemporary, family friendly church based in Singleton, Ashford seeking to love and follow Jesus and bless their community. They meet at 10:30am in Singleton Village Hall every Sunday.
They are a diverse church family, young and old, called to journey together and encounter the transforming love of the Living God in the power of the Holy Spirit. Whether you’re exploring spirituality, want to know more about the Christian faith, or a seasoned pilgrim in Christ there is something for you here.
For more information about this church please follow the weblink.
Singleton Village hall, where the community church meets, is also home to Lily's Social Kitchen. Their mission is twofold – to showcase the skills and employability of people who identify as being neurodiverse, autistic or have a learning disability and to support our local community who may be experiencing food poverty along with the promotion of fresh cooking. Cafes are on a donation only basis to ensure they are accessible to everyone in our community.
The school has the support of the Canterbury Diocese their vision is to ensure that every child and young person in the Diocese is at the heart of mission, having the opportunity of a life-enhancing encounter with the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ; that they reach their God-given potential and are an integral part of church life.
They believe that schools remain at the centre of the Church’s mission to the nation, the heart of local communities, for children of all faiths and none. They aim to promote distinctive, inclusive communities of learning that seek to be underpinned by Christian values sourced in the Gospel narrative, enriching the whole educational experience.
Some of the ways the Diocese support the school are by providing training for staff, support the development of the RE curriculum and to support the teaching and learning of the subject as well as Collective Worships.
Please use the weblink to find out more