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The House Point System

The combined ideas of staff and children have resulted in a new house point system for the school.  All children are split into the same 4 houses with new names based on Cathedrals and Central Halls: Canterbury (Yellow)Rochester (Red)Westminster (Green) and St. Pauls (Blue). Each house has a colour.  Siblings are in the same house.  New children to the school are assigned a house automatically and every P.E. lesson they wear a t-shirt in their house colours.

Whole School House Point Rewards System

  • Each child has a stamp card which holds 20 slots for House points
  • Stamp cards are labelled with the house the child is in and their name
  • Staff will sign the children’s card every time they get a house point
  • Once a stamp card is completed, children will take it to the DHT/HT office.  Miss Harrington or Mrs Clark will record & create an individual certificate for the child and give them a token to put in the whole school house jar
  • The children will then receive the next house point card (different colour)
  • On a weekly basis, House Captains count tokens in the totaliser jars. Houses with the most points each term will be having a special house activity
  • House captains have many responsibilities including talking to visitors, supporting interview processes, rallying & motivating their house, awarding Buddy Certificates on a Friday and house trophies and ensuring their house is working well together
  • Only 1 hp will be given out at a time

House Points are awarded for:

  • Outstanding effort and achievement with their work in school, or at home.
  • Outstanding acts of kindness or politeness.
  • Outstanding role-modelling and behaviour at all times or a sudden and commendable change to behaviour. (e.g. A piece of work that shows excellent effort or attainment / constant and notable polite / one-off acts of dedication / one-off acts of kindness and thoughtfulness / changes to behaviour and attitudes that require a special mention).

Over the year, we will be hosting House days and half days, inter house sports events and other inter-house competitions.


House Captains

In Year Six, as part of the additional responsibilities given to the children we recognise responsibility in the roles of House Captains. These are very important role in school and the children have to apply to be given the opportunity, candidates will be presenting speeches to their houses and a vote will take place.

House Captains are expected to set an example to younger children, to embody the values that the school holds dear and to contribute to the wider community.

They help the younger children, both in the classroom and at playtimes. They play a pivotal role in special days and themed weeks, assisting the staff in their planned activities. They also help with school events such as sports day, coffee mornings and curriculum evenings. One of their favourite jobs is showing visitors around our wonderful school.

Each year we have eight House Captains. They lead our named Houses. This year they are:

St. Pauls Cathedral – TBC
Rochester Cathedral – TBC
Westminster Cathedral – TBC
Canterbury Cathedral – TBC


Previous House Captains reflected on their role:

  • “It is a great pleasure being a house captain. I collect all the house points for my team and I lead my house on sports day. It is a great responsibility.”
  • “I have enjoyed setting an example to the younger children and I liked receiving the cup in worship when we had the most points.”
  • “It’s been fun knowing that you are the leader of your house. I have enjoyed the responsibility. I liked the weekly competition.”