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School Policies & Statutory Documents

Our school policies are constantly under review and due to the publication of this new website, we are only uploading the statutory and up to date policies at present. They will be published here as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you can not find what you are looking for you can request a copy of any policy from the School Office. Thank you.

Our policies illustrate the way we work at The John Wesley CEM Primary School to achieve our aims and objectives. Our governors and staff regularly review our policy statements for accuracy and relevancy.

Acceptable Use of Technology Policy *Updated September 2023

Admission Policy * Updated October 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy * Updated October 2021

Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection Policy * Updated September 2023

Collective Worship Policy * Updated September 2021

Complaints Procedure *Updated March 2022

Confidentiality Policy *Updated September 2022

Drug and Alcohol Policy *Updated March 2022

Emergency Procedure Policy

EYFS Policy *Updated November 2022

Feedback and Marking Policy

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Policy * Updated November 2021

GDPR & Data Protection Policy

Handwriting and Presentation Policy

Health and Safety Policy * Updated November 2021

Image Use * Updated September 2023

Learning & Teaching Policy

Lettings Policy

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice Workforce

R.E. Policy *Updated January 2022

RSHE Policy

School Uniform Policy September 2023.pdf

SEND Policy January 2023.pdf

Social Media Policy *Updated September 2022

Thriving and Flourishing Relationships Policy (Behaviour) *Updated Sept 2023

Thriving and Flourishing Relationships Policy (Behaviour) -At a Glance Sept 2023

Whistleblowing Policy