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The School Day

On Monday to Thursday the school day runs from 8:35 - 3:15, and on Friday from 8:35 - 2:30. (Children can be dropped off from 8:25). This amounts to 32 hours and 35 minutes per week. It is important that children arrive at school in time for the start of the school day. If a child is unavoidably late for the start of the school day, the child and parent should report to the School Office to ensure he/she is entered onto the school register for that day.

08:25 – 10:45


School Day Starts


Classroom doors open at 08:25 and children can be dropped off at this time.

Registration 08:35 - Children must be in school by this time.

Maths Mastery (KS 1 & 2)/ First learning session EYFS  8:40 - 9:00


Session 1 & 2

9:00 - 10:30

Worship 10:30 - 10:45


10:45 – 11:05




Morning Break

EYFS have rolling snack time

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have break all together on the playgrounds and field (weather permitting). 


11:05 - 11:30 (EYFS)

11:05 - 12:00 (rest of school)


Session 3



11:30 - 12:30 (EYFS)

12:00 – 12:50 (rest of school)

Lunch Break

EYFS start Lunch at 11:30

KS1 & KS2 start lunch at 12:00



12:30 - 15:15 (EYFS)

12:50 - 15:15 (rest of school)





Afternoon Session

The school day ends at 15:15 – children are let out of class at, or soon after, this time.

Please be aware that school finishes at 14.30pm on Friday.