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Birch (SRP)


Term 1 - All about me!

The focus for our English this term is the children and building their vocabulary around themselves and their families. Using Language Through Colour and Black Sheep Press alongside some wonderful books, we will explore what we have in common with one another and what makes us special! Lessons will include opportunities to develop speaking and listening, oral language skills and written language skills with the support of the SRP staff. 

In Maths, we are starting the year with a recap of our previous knowledge. The children will be revisiting their place value knowledge to 20 before using this to explore addition and subtraction. This will form the foundations of our learning as we move on to numbers to 50. The children will use manipulatives to help scaffold their understanding of each number and support them as they recognise, order and compare numbers from 0 - 50. 

We continue to have daily Phonics sessions which are tailored to meet each child's targets.

The children continue to have Speech and Language Therapy delivered by Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins.

Term 2 - The 4 Seasons

The focus for our English learning for Term 2 is the four seasons. Each week, the children will explore a different season using Language Through Colour prompts to discuss when the season is, what the season is like, what we do during that season. This will help us to build sentences about each season. The children will work across the term to build a non-fiction booklet about the seasons, full of the excellent sentences and vocabulary they have built up over the weeks. 

The focus for Maths this term is measurement. The children will begin by looking at length and height. We will begin by exploring all of the mathematical vocabulary needed in this topic, including long(er), short(er), tall(er) and measure so children feel confident using these words in lessons. The children will then use cubes, rulers and metre sticks to explore the length and height of different objects around school and make comparisons between these. Later in the term, we will look at mass. Again, the children will start by exploring the vocabulary of heavy, light, heavier and lighter before using balancing skills to measure and compare the mass of different objects. 

We continue to have daily Phonics sessions which are tailored to meet each child's targets.

The children continue to have Speech and Language Therapy delivered by Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins.

Term 3 - An Adventure

In English this term, we will be using the story 'The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth' by Ellie Hattie and Karl James Mountford to explore historical creatures, museums and dinosaurs! As well as finding out about the past, the children will be using Language Through Colour and word webs to learn lots of new vocabulary. The children will discover more and more pieces of history as we read the story throughout the term and use this to inspire them as they create their very own museum for other children to visit. 

This term in Maths, the children will begin their learning on multiplication and division by thinking about the vocabulary of 'equal', 'unequal' and 'groups'. Once children are confident with this learning, they will work on recognising when objects have been split into equal groups and when they have been split into unequal groups. 

We continue to have daily Phonics sessions which are tailored to meet each child's targets.

The children continue to have Speech and Language Therapy delivered by Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins.

Term 4 - Traditional Tales

This term, our focus in English is traditional tales. Each fortnight, we will focus on a different story, starting with Jack and the Beanstalk. The children will begin to build their personal vocabulary books by using Language Through Colour to identify different 'who', 'what like', 'what doing' and 'where' words from the story. This will then be used to support children when orally building sentences. The children will also be sharing the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker, as well as an Easter story. 

In Maths, the children continue to develop their knowledge of equal and unequal groups using a range of manipulatives and representations. The children will also be developing their skip counting skills by looking at how to count forwards and backwards in 2s to 20 and 10s to 100. 

We continue to have daily Phonics sessions which are tailored to meet each child's targets.

The children continue to have Speech and Language Therapy delivered by Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins.

Term 5 - Around the House

In English, we will be focussing on vocabulary and categorising objects around the home. As well as exploring similarities and differences between our homes, the children will discuss what we might find in each room. We will spend a week on each room in the house, identifying objects we might find in each room and sorting these into sub-categories to consolidate vocabulary. The children will also complete word webs to support their learning of new vocabulary for words such as 'utensils' and 'furniture'. 

In our Maths learning we will be focussing on fractions, starting with the idea of equal parts and unequal parts. This learning builds on the previous knowledge of equal and unequal groups from Term 3. The children will learn to recognise when an object has been cut in half and will have the opportunity to cut different objects and shapes in halves to consolidate this. The children will also learn to understand quarters as four equal parts. 

We continue to have daily Phonics sessions which are tailored to meet each child's targets.

The children continue to have Speech and Language Therapy delivered by Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins.

Term 6 - Animals

The children will explore different stories this term which all have animals as characters. Each story will help to develop and build the children's oral language skills as they use the books to describe, categorise and sequence events. As well as developing spoken language, children will develop their listening skills when working with the other children in role play sessions and continue to develop their word and sentence writing skills throughout the term. 

In Maths, we will be learning about numbers to 100. The children's previous work on place value will support them as they begin to work with new numbers. The children will use manipulatives and different representations to recognise, order and compare numbers to 100. Later in the term we will revise the prior knowledge from this year to consolidate learning. 

We continue to have daily Phonics sessions which are tailored to meet each child's targets.

The children continue to have Speech and Language Therapy delivered by Mrs Hedges and Mrs Eakins.

Home Learning Opportunities

Please continue to support your children's learning at home by reading regularly. 

Other useful websites to support your child's learning include:

Please also explore our SRP page with further information about the interventions that your child may be involved in.

Please continue to check our class blog as we enjoy sharing our learning with you.