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Cherry (Year 2)

Welcome to the Summer Term

Mrs Dunne, Mrs Pestridge, Mrs Shepherd and Mrs Hosken would like to welcome you to our Cherry Class page.

Over the next term we are going to be investigating our big question 'How can we look after our environment and community?' 'We will be exploring features of our local area and how it has changed over time.

In English, our text will be ‘Grandad’s Secret Giant’ by David Litchfield. We will be developing our descriptive writing throughout the term by using adjectives to create an effect on the reader. Our text for our reading sessions will be ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ which will focus on traditional tales such as ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker.’

In Maths, we will be learning all about time, statistics, position and direction. We will focus on reading a clock, interpreting data and using positional language.  The children will also continue to practise their recall and fluency of the 2, 5- and 10- times tables.  

Our Connected Learning incorporates Science, History, Art, DT and Music. In Term 6 we will be studying Ashford to gain a better understanding of our local area and how it has changed over the years. We will recap the four capital cities of the four countries of The United Kingdom. In Science, we will continue exploring plants, living things and their habitats. In ICT, we will be using programmes to create algorithms. Our P.E learning this term will involve athletics and multi-skills as we prepare for Sports Day. In RE, we will continue to explore the big question ‘Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?’, looking at the Qur’an and the holy names for Allah.

Accelerated Reader

Your child's book will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday if they have finished the text. Your child will then complete an online Accelerated Reader quiz which comprises of 5 or 10 questions linked to the book they have completed.  Your child’s score will be recorded in their reading record, we may ask them to re-read their book if we feel they would benefit from exploring the text again.

Times Table Rockstars

Your child has a log on for Times Tables Rockstars (this can be found in their orange reading record). They can also revise their times tables using Hit the Button, written or verbal practice. We are focusing on 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on Seesaw as we will continue to post learning, set challenges, and communicate with you all on the platform. 

Although there is no formal home learning in Year 2, we would appreciate you reading daily with your child and practising the spellings and times tables as this will have an impact with their confidence in lessons. We will also set termly challenges linked to our Connected Learning.

Children are provided with all log in information in the their reading records for Seesaw, Accelerated Reader and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please contact the office (on 01233 614660 or email on ) if you have any questions or would like to arrange a time to talk. The children also have their reading records which you can write notes in to communicate with us.

Useful Weblinks
